
1992 space shuttle endeavor crew
1992 space shuttle endeavor crew

The Phoenix Force entered Jean's body, and she used all her strength to draw the entirety of the force away from the X-Jet and into herself. Upon finding him, Nightcrawler tried to get to Jean, but at that moment the Phoenix Force reached the shuttle, forcing him to return to the X-Jet with the commander only. Jean telekinetically held the shuttle together as Nightcrawler teleported through the debris trying to locate the commander. Quicksilver used his super speed to duct tape an astronaut's helmet to Nightcrawler, allowing the latter to teleport himself and Jean on to Endeavour. With less than a minute left, Mystique informed Jean that she had only 30 seconds before the Phoenix Force hit the shuttle. Through Cerebro, Professor X urged her to rescue the commander, saying that Jean could hold the shuttle together. With the Phoenix Force rapidly approaching Endeavour, Mystique was not willing to take any risks. Just as they were about to return to Earth, however, one of the astronauts informed the X-Men that their commander was still aboard the shuttle trying to fix the thruster in the airlock. Quicksilver gathered all the astronauts on board with his super speed, which allowed Nightcrawler to teleport them all to safety back on the X-Jet. Storm used her powers to seal the cracks from which oxygen was escaping. This stabilized the shuttle's rotation enough for Nightcrawler to teleport himself and Quicksilver aboard Endeavour. Instructed by Mystique, Cyclops fired an optic blast at Endeavour's thruster through a mechanism installed in the X-Jet. They flew into space using the X-Jet, but the shuttle spinning out of control made it impossible for Nightcrawler to teleport inside. The President of the United States called on the X-Men for help in rescuing the crew of Endeavour. With the shuttle spinning out of control, the commander aboard Endeavour decided to try and fix the thruster in the airlock. The energy radiating off the Phoenix Force damaged Endeavour, resulting in its orientation thruster misfiring. In actual fact, it was the Phoenix Force approaching Earth's orbit, drawn to a mutant known as Jean Grey. Shortly after it reached space, the NASA techs picked up readings of what appeared to be solar flares, subsequently losing communication with the crew of Endeavour. In 1992, a team of NASA techs oversaw the launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour.

1992 space shuttle endeavor crew

Help is on the way." ―The NASA flight director communicating with Professor X They lost control, communication, orientation, pretty much everything." We believe the heat shorted out their electricity.

1992 space shuttle endeavor crew